CollectionMISC 未解决

分数: 0 金币: 0
题目作者: 未知
一  血: cheyenne
一血奖励: 0金币
解  决: 1
提  示: - These images look awfully familiar. A single pixel has been modified in each of these images, changing the blue value (RGB) to a character in the flag. - The coordinate `(x, y)` represents a pixel on the image. All pixels were modified at `(0, y)`, where `y` represents the index of a character on the flag! - Create a script that successfully takes all the modified blue values after comparing to the original images on the CTFd, and arrange them based on the `y` value!
描  述:
Here is the final art collection! > This is not stego since we've given you the answer in the hints and we don't want to frustrate anyone. However, this is very solvable without hints, so try avoiding hints first! Download below!
其  他: 下载






cheyenne 获得了一血 2月前