One two threeCrypto 未解决

分数: 0 金币: 0
题目作者: 未知
一  血: 暂无
一血奖励: 0金币
解  决: 0
提  示: "Look carefully at the encrypt function. It generates the keystream fully independently of the plaintext! This means that the keystream is identical for each plaintext. Knowing this, what can you do?", "We know that the keystream is the same for each plaintext, but what does this mean? This means that the first byte of each line is XORd against the same byte, ie the first byte of the keystream. Same for the second byte of each line and so on. This is real similar to the copilot challenge
描  述:
Ok so ECB mode was a bust, what else can we try?
其  他: 下载





