The PilotMISC 未解决

分数: 0 金币: 0
题目作者: 未知
一  血: 暂无
一血奖励: 0金币
解  决: 0
提  示:
描  述:

Categorie Level



My grandfather had saved some sensitive information in a sepecific website. Can you find what's been hidden in the history of his default browser. That's the goal of this challenge. Memory Dump: Download Author: Raf²

  • What volatility profile is the most appropriate for this machine? | Weight: +25
  • What is the MD5 hash of the memory dump? | Weight: +25
  • What is the hostname? | Weight: +25
  • What is the PID of the Notepad process? | Weight: +25
  • What is the PID of the Explorer process? | Weight: +25
  • What is the parent process start time of notepad.exe? | Weight: +50
  • What is the IP Address used by the machine? | Weight: +50
  • What is the executable path for process ID 1164? | Weight: +75
  • My Grandfather calls CMD, the Black Language, can you find the flag there? | Weight: +50
  • My Grandfather is environmental, can you find the flag? | Weight: +75
  • My Grandfather left something on the Desktop, can you find it? | Weight: +100
  • My Grandfather copied his password, can you find it? | Weight: +100





