0-8-4MISC 未解决

分数: 0 金币: 0
题目作者: 未知
一  血: Kyrie-Lrving
一血奖励: 0金币
解  决: 2
提  示:
描  述:


While on a mission, one of our teams discovered a weird suitecase locked with a 7-character password. The object had this matrix carved on its side, barely readable:

       [ 0.7056    ,  0.         , 0.        ,  0.9        ]
       [ 0.        ,  0.5318     , 0.168     ,  0.         ]
       [ 0.        , 0.168       , -1.1246   ,  0.         ]
       [ 0.9       ,  0.         , 0.        ,  0.7882     ]

After analysis, we found out that the suitecase was emitting a transmission containing more informations, and we are convinced that the password is supposed to be the real part of the smallest eigenvalue, that needs to be calculated from the unitary matrix of the quantum circuit which corresponds to some simulation of suitcase matrix. The transmission also stated some weird conditions: the totter number is 1 and the simulation is done at t=1??? I don't know what that means exacly but I figured maybe you will?

Flag format: Securinets{XXXXXXX}

Author: mida0ui






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