Quick MafsPWN 未解决

分数: 0 金币: 0
题目作者: 未知
一  血: admin889
一血奖励: 0金币
解  决: 1
提  示:
描  述:
Oops! I dropped all of these arithmetic gadgets. Fortunately there are enough of them that you won't be able to pick out the right ones.... right? This is an automatic reversing & exploitation challenge. The server will send you (in order) an instruction (they will be in the format "call print() with rax = 0x1234\n") and an ELF binary as a newline terminated hex string. You should analyze the binary, construct a payload to accomplish that, and then send it back to the server as a newline term
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admin889 获得了一血 6月前